Support for a growing market

As the call for green energy continues to rise, so do the opportunities for the development of new offshore energy sources like Wind, Wave and Hydrogen. Ternan Energy offers a range of solutions to support the continued growth in the subsea cable market and can assist with the improvement of the subsea infrastructure necessary to facilitate these developments.


  • Interpretation of Geophysical, Geotechnical and Geospatial data for Desk-top and Geohazard Studies (e.g. slope stability, HDD engineering) for Offshore, nearshore and landfall cable projects.
  • Scoping, design, specification and management of Site Investigations for subsea Interconnector and Offshore Windfarm projects.
  • Trenching and cable route burial analyses (e.g. natural and anthropogenic risks) for Inter-array and Export Cable routes.
  • Cable burial risk assessment (CBRA), Route Position Lists (RPL) and Route alignment charts.
  • Technical Expert Witness role in dispute resolution.

Strategic solutions

Utilising our range of Geophysical, Geotechnical and GIS capabilities, we provide expert advice to evaluate cable burial risk and to optimise and engineer cable routes in even the most challenging conditions. Our extensive track record includes design and management of offshore surveys for European interconnector projects, design and engineering of cable landfall projects within UK waters, and engineering and technical review for trenching projects.

Case Studies Read our case studies
Submarine cable loading to freighter vessel

Who we work with

global offshore
KL Gates