Expert advice and geotechnical support
The Renewable Energy sector has undergone rapid and continued expansion in recent years. Since its formation in 2016, Ternan Energy has provided continuous geotechnical support and expert advice to Offshore Windfarm Developers. To date, we have completed a variety of both local and global projects including supporting the design of Inch Cape Windfarm, off the East Coast of Scotland, and providing technical advice regarding pile installation for Beatrice Windfarm in the Moray Firth, Scotland.
- Desk Top Studies, Geological Models and Geohazard Studies for Offshore Renewables project at concept and project stage.
- Design, specification and management of Offshore operations for Geophysical and Geotechnical Site Investigations.
- Foundation Design and installation analyses for Offshore Windfarms and Wave Energy Converters.
- Trenching and burial analyses for Inter-Array and Export Cables for Offshore Windfarms.
- Technical Expert Witness role in dispute resolution.