Aggie is a Marine Geologist with more than 20 years of experience in researching seabed geohazards. She gained her PhD from the University of Southampton and the National Oceanography Centre and moved on to a post-doc at Cardiff University (3DLab) as part of the CAPROCKS industry-funded consortium. She was a senior lecturer at University College Dublin and at the University of Brighton. She is a Fulbright scholar alumna, having spent half a year at the US Geological Survey in Woods Hole, Massachusetts in 2018.
Aggie has published extensively on offshore geohazards and the marine record of the Quaternary offshore UK and Ireland. She has supervised and examined several graduate and postgraduate projects. She has participated in numerous offshore oceanographic expeditions and has been Chief Scientist herself on several occasions on the Irish national Research Vessel Celtic Explorer.
In her spare time Aggie likes to be by the sea or hike in forests, she likes to draw and supports the arts, loves visiting galleries wondering why she didn’t become an artist instead of a scientist, follows stand-up comedy and live music.
Experience Summary
- Experience in survey design, data acquisition and offshore cruise management.
- Desk top studies, data mining, data review, collation and import in appropriate software.
- Geophysical data interpretation, including 2D and 3D seismic, side scan sonar, bathymetry and backscatter data.
- Core/sample site selection based on acoustic data.
- Geohazard risk assessment (sediment mobility, slope stability, gas migration, faults).
- Research conducted in sites offshore UK and Ireland, the central Mediterranean Sea, offshore New Zealand, NW Atlantic (Nova Scotia and eastern US), offshore South Africa, the Canary Islands and NW African margin, central North Atlantic.
- Technical writing and presenting for various audiences, technical reports, academic, general public.